Friday, November 6, 2009

The More You Know

"Prospecting" is a term used to expand your network--to broaden the pool of people you know.

The purpose of prospecting is to find people who are interested in your business: the business of selling beautiful, quality, handcrafted jewelry.

One tool of prospecting is to initiate conversations. One great conversation starter is to give a compliment. Another is to ask a question. "Those shoes look great on you! Where did you get them?"

Another method of prospecting is to get involved in a group in your community. Parenting, school, and church groups are opportunities for you to get to know more people. The more people you know, the more people will know about your business!

You can also invite each person at a jewelry home party to book a party, or to find out more about the incredible business opportunity that it is.

One of our representatives gives this advice:

1) Have Fun at your parties!

2) Watch closely for "Green Flags:" those people who just MIGHT be interested in hosting a party or are thinking of a career change or supplemental income.

3) Ask everyone, and don't prejudge.

By using these tips, you can open some new doors or windows of opportunity for yourself.

Call Dana for more ideas. Why wait? Opportunity Knocks!