Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Step in the Right Direction

Our premier jewelry party company provides you with a unique business opportunity.

By being a hostess of a jewelry home party, you can take advantage of many of these business perks. Free jewelry credit is only one of the benefits we offer hostesses.

These parties are quite simple: you invite friends into your home or workplace, to meet the Representative, and to browse and purchase the sterling silver jewelry. This is our primary method of distribution, but Representatives can also sell jewelry by telephone, email and fax.

Some people might feel intimidated with the selling aspect. They may ask, "What if I have no sales experience?"

It actually might surprise you, to know that most of our successful Representatives have never sold anything before!

You DON'T have to have a university degree in Advertising or Economics. Our beautiful, high-quality handcrafted jewelry all but "sells itself." To advertise, you just wear it!

With the holidays approaching, this is a fabulous time to invite your friends to buy gifts for others, or for themselves.

Today is a great day to Take a New Step. Call Dana--Opportunity Knocks!